How do you feel when someone says your name? Do you feel important? Put in the hot seat? Embarrassed?
Recently my family and I visited our neighborhood restaurant as we’ve done weekly for the past 2 years. Ashamed, I thought to myself that I couldn’t name a single restaurant employee that I see all the time! I asked the name of one server and I always say hi to her (and tip well when she helps us). I try to ask the names of other folks as I continue to see them more regularly.
My spouse thinks it’s strange that I can remember an obscure name from long ago with a simple hello. I find that it makes people feel seen, important and worthy. And they would be right.
I also practice this with my clients as well. I make a strong effort to remember names and, to remember them, use them regularly. I try to associate at least one fact or aspect to their name because the mental association is more likely to commit to long term memory.
Try this yourself! Meet someone new. Use their name. Don’t be embarrassed to ask an acquaintance to repeat their name. That simple act can take your relationship building to another level!